於2020年5月15日,黃醫師有幸再次獲香港警心理服務課(英文:Psychological Services Group,縮寫:PSG)邀請,到灣仔警察總部,與臨床心理學家及註冊營養師合辦 LIFESTYLE MEDICINE WORKSHOP,分享以中醫茶療及穴位按摩,來改善心理健康及增進優質睡眠的有效方法。中醫內容部份以Lifestyle Medicine for Enhancing Psychological Wellness in Police Officers: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial研究計劃為籃本。

活動主題: Lifestyle Medicine for Enhancing the Psychological Wellness at Workplace

活動目標: To enhance the psychological wellness and resilience of employees with stressful job nature



NHS(UK) self-assessments

(PSBased on the Sleepio sleep test. Copyright© 2012 Big Health Ltd.)